Risk Assessments and Forms


Quite early on we sat down and wrote our risk assessment for our production, we did this so we could plan ahead and book out the equipment we needed for our key dates to shoot on. Due to the fact that there are so many first years that have started and we are all in need of equipment, planning and booking early is key.  



While we were in the planning phase of to where we would shoot, we thought requesting studio 2 and The Olive room would be a great thing to do as the space in the base room might be occupied and noisy. 

We ended up not being able to use neither of the spaces, as the studio was busy and The Olive room we would have to pay day-rent on to get to use. Therefore we decided to stick to one of the lecture rooms in the base room, come in on a more quiet day to work around the noise, as well as to save costs.


Here is our shooting script for the production, we are aware that small adjustments or changes might be necessary leading up to the shooting days, and that it works as a base for the presenter of what to say. But we are still open to the fact that the presenter might use som different words, if it comes naturally and makes the flow better. 

//Images screenshot or taken with phone during prep and plan

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