Rough Cut & Changes


To show the differences between the rough cut and the fine cut, we chose to export the rough cut before the feedback from Helen. The rough cut is very rough, with no sound, music or levels edited, as well as no colour corrections has been made and some cutaways - still photos has not been put in yet.

After the feedback session with Helen, we noted down some bullet points on what to look at and change up to craft the doc more into the best end-result as possible. 


Swap interviews
Structure needs changing
Needs to fit together
General commentary can help as long
Commentary needs to leave the old behind and move on to a new topic
Split up Garreth
Put in footage which is being spoken about in Garreth´s interview

Positive Feedback

The opening

Right after the session we sat down and cut the shooting script up in pieces, to then sort it out in a new order so it would be easier to get a visual of the new buĂ­ld up and structure of the doc.

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