Specialist Skills


As a documentary filmmaker, you need a set of skills to pull off the genre. Filmmaking in general and  documentary filmmaking do have several things in common, but creating and making documentaries has a lot of different aspects to it, that general/fictional filmmaking doesnt have. In this post I´ll take you through the specialist skills you need to make documentaries.


 (ˌdɒk yəˈmɛn tə ri, -tri) 

adj., n., pl. -ries. adj.
1. Also, doc•u•men•tal (ˌdɒk yəˈmɛn tl) pertaining to, consisting of, or derived from documents.
2. depicting an actual event, era, life story, etc., accurately and without fictional elements.

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A documentary´s purpouse is to portray the truth and reality as it is, or as it has been. The stories being told are true and the people are real. If the documentary contains re-created scenes, these are to be derived from the stories/truth and re-created to visualise what actually happened. 

- In documentaries the sources of information used is very key.
- It is imporant to view them critically.
- First-hand source; - the person that was there themselves/experienced the incident that took place
- Second-hand source; - A person that was not there themselves, but know what happened through information from others. 

As a general basis you need to prepear yourself to work in a office, yes, the amount of time you are actually out shooting is minimal compared to all the prep, research and planning you have to do beforehand. The important skills here is to be able to work in softwares such as Microsoft word, be skilled with phone calls as well as you should have good social skills. 

- You need to be structured.
- Good and efficient at doing research.
- Have a certain drive to get the story told in its rightful potential.
- Aspire to make the truth and reality heard.
- The characters/people/story should drive the story forward.
- Know that it is real stories and real people you are working with, respect and ethics are very important. 

"The ability and desire to LISTEN."

Making a documentary also requires teamwork, and the director of the documentary has to work tightley alongside the cinematographer. Ultimatley the director has to trust the cinematogarpher more than anyone else, with confidence that he or she will bring to the screen the story the director visualises. This is done by clearly going through with the cinematographer the story, the aim and style/way the director wants it to be. 

Which is quite similiar with fictionl filmmaking, but the difference here is agian, that you are working with reak people, real events and capturing in the moment happenings, which might not let you re-shoot that exact moment. The key is knowing the story, and knowing what and how you want to portray and or tell it. 

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//Images from google.com

//Sources of information

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