Self-Portrait prep


Pantone // Grey

 I define grey to be in between black and white. 
Which is how I look at the world. 
Objective. There is a greater,
 even smoothness to it all. 
- Ida Frank

During prep work for my self-portrait I have made a mood board to describe the mood and general pieces, I might include in my self-portrait in some sort of way. The pictures I have cut to pieces is to show texture, as well as the bigger pieces over the black and white photo to include contrast. 

I have also made a mind map, to get an overview of the elements I am going to focus on in my film. And to clarify what I actually wanted to do. I have decided on four main elements, being a milk bath, magazine faces, elements of water as well as glitter and a projector combining it all with texture and contrast. As well as maybe includen a few other details, like polaroid pictures on a string, 
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I have decided to try making an introduction to the portrait using an actual, or several Pantone palettes from a hardware store, thinking that that can really set the style and overall introduction.

Here are the shot lists I have made for this project, as a guideline and direction of what I will be shooting, where and how.  I decided to make shot lists instead of script or storyboard on the self-portrait because I found it more convenient, as well as it makes it clearer what it is that I am actually shooting. Due to the fact that my portrait will be a bit abstract, I found that to work the best. 

This is the colour palette I have chosen, it contains the colours I want to have as a general base to my portrait. However I will be going a bit outside this palette on some areas, like with pink and perhaps blue.

//Colour palette from

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  1. this prep post is good - excellent reference material. your earlier posts on other self portrait artists are good too. but i can't see any other posts for the self portrait? you need more in terms of prep work (shot list/script/story-board or similar) and more detailed research.

    1. Thank you for the feedback. The shot lists are posted in this post, and I did also clarify why I chose to just go with a shot list. A new post even more detailed has now been posted to the blog.


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