Introduction: - Pantone // Grey:
The introduction will consist of if I´m successful in getting hold of a couple of grey Pantone palettes, a focus pull or a sort of camera movement between these two-three palettes. This is to establish the overall theme/context with the title of my portrait.
My idea is based around four main elements that in some way represent me or what I like.
- Milk bath - White & Pink:
To represent purity and a sort of veil. As to how we all sometimes can hide our feelings and family lives from the people around us and the world in itself behind a veil. I am not sure whether I will be using the footage of the milk bath or the pink. Probably the pink, because it is my favourite colour and I would like to include it as an aspect in my film. I might also include footage of the pink colour drops falling into the white milk bath. To represent creativity and expressionism.
- Projector material - Glitter & Textures
In this section, I will be shooting different textures outside from the city environment, like concrete, metal rails, tarmac, tunnel walls, the sky, clouds, liquid glitter etc. To show the vast textures of life that surround us every day. As well as this can be linked up to how we can go through different periods and stages of growth in our lives. + the fact that I love sparkling stuff, like glitter.
- Projector & Polaroid pictures:
Here I will be projecting these different textures with a projector onto myself against a white wall, as well as seated on my bed in my room. The reason I have chosen to do it like this is because I wanted that projector effect. As well as projecting it onto me, it throws these different textures onto me as a person. I will perhaps include glitter in these shots, as to adding a bit of glitter on my face.
I will also be doing a couple shots f my polaroid pictures attached on brown nature string, to give an insight into my life as with friends and family.
- Magazine faces
Inspired by a picture I found online, I will be using different magazine face, cut-outs from fashion magazines, a photoshop magazine and a printed out picture of a tiger. Basically, I found this idea to be very cool, as well as it can show how we all have different roles in life. We have one role with friends, one with family, one when were with our parents, teachers, at work and so on. It can also be drawn parallels towards how society wants you to be, how to dress, do your makeup etc. The other more creative pictures, painting portrait and tiger I am using is to express my creative sides as well as the need to defence my private life and my loved ones, and the rawness that a tiger represents. As to the rawness, feelings have.
These pictures are to show the prep-work I have done to test out how some of the elements will work on shooting day. I tried out colouring the mixture of water and milk in my sink, with pink food colouring to see if I could achieve the result I wanted to. It turned out exactly as I had pictured, and I am pleased with the result.
I have also prepared the glitter mixture for shooting day by mixing glitter with clear glue. I chose to mix two different batches, one with silver and some blue to give it contrast and more texture. And one with pink, where I also mixed in some gold and purple to make it less sheer and give it some more depth. Again, pink because pink is my favourite colour.
Here is the Call Sheet for the day, which has been sent out to both my camera operator, Josh and sound person, Imogen. I have not done a heavy risk assessment, due to the fact that I did not see it as necessary in this particular production. The cameraman will be wearing high viz when shooting in public to make the surroundings aware that something is going on. I do not need permission where I am shooting outside, and I will not be putting a tripod down at the ground. 3/4ths of the shooting will take place indoors, on locations where high viz will not be necessary. A further risk assessment that has been thought through is mainly the aspect of being careful with equipment in the bathroom scene. And steps to ensure the equipment's safety will be taken by double checking mounts and that extra gear is securely fastened, and properly held with a firm grip.
great stuff. very detailed.