1. a large,shaggy-hairedwildox,Bosgrunniens, of theTibetanhighlands,havinglong,curvedhorns.
2. a domesticatedvariety of thisanimal.
[1785–95; < Tibetan,sp.gyag]
yak2 or yack
v. yakkedyacked,yak•kingyack•ing,v.i.
1. to gab;chatter.
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25 Word Pitch
"Student Yak aims to find entertaining news
and views from all corners of the internet and
bring it to you. Made by students, for students."
A student channel that is aimed to and made by students for students, what could be a better way to reach out to the age group, 14/16 - 25 years old, when we ourselves know what it is that we find interesting. As well as it is easier to think of content that suits our targeted age group when we are in that age group together with our audience.
Background Theory
The thought behind "the Internet" was to be able to send files or messages, no matter if atom bombs were hitting a country / aka if there was an ongoing war or not. Basically, the internet was in the very beginning created for military use only.
Ted Nelson and Douglas Engelbart invented the "hypertext" which made it possible for everyone from the general public to use the internet. And that was the first step towards the internet we know as of today.
Tim Berners-Lee is however known to be the father/creator of the World Wide Web - hence www. / internet - in 1989 - Where he made the first successful connection between a hypertext transfer Protocol (HTTP)-client and server via the internet.
In context to the history of the internet and its origin, it is in the modern world - 2016 today, possible to do a lot on the internet. It has developed massively since the first messages and internet signals back in 1989.It has for example come as far as to making it possible for anyone to make their own web pages. This is how we have set up our very own web page with custom content and designs.
Our Idea and Concept Name;
Since we first got handed out the handbook for this unit, our group had already decided that we wanted to create something aimed at students. We also wanted to make something that would be fun, humorous and engaging. Josh brought up an idea he had used in one of his personal youtube video's over summer where he had named the video "Student Yak" - We decided that this was a name that was catchy and had a good tone to it.
Design & Colours;
Yak is a different word for talk, and it can also mean a long haired bovid - hence what we decided to base our logo on. When it comes to the colour scheme we wanted to use colours that were bright and engaging and at the same time would give the audience something.
We decided to go with these colours due to the fact that they are complimentary, and give a rather nice and engaging contrast. Triggering and at the same time creatively stimulating the audience.
Orange - to highlight and catch attention ;
- represents creativity, stimulation, attraction, happiness and enthusiasm to mention some. It is a colour that both combine the energy of red and the happiness of yellow.
- The colour increases oxygen supply to the brain, has the effect of producing energy and stimulates mental activity.
- It is a colour highly accepted amongst young people - which is important considering our aim.
Purple - to represent ambition ;
- The colour is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery and magic.
- It can when in a dark shade evoke and cause frustration, which is something combined with the other colour is a good thing as we want the young audience to engage in the cases and themes brought up on the channel.
Since Josh is the editor for this production it came very naturally that he also put together the design and web page. However, we have all contributed to towards our results and decided on colours, items categories etc. Josh as done a great job putting what we all imagined together to the whole design.
When it came to the logo we decided to play on the other meaning of the word "yak" - a long haired bovid - and have this as/in our logo. We brainstormed and drew some sketches of yaks with graduation hats on the head and or horns, to have a red thread throughout and show that it had something to with students.
We searched the web and looked at images of yaks, and after deliberating our ideas, Josh quickly put together a sketch from photoshop stock photo. It resulted in a logo we were quite happy with for the meantime. - I told my group about my friend Liselotte who is a graphic designer and suggested I could have her make us a sketch/idea for a logo. And that I would get this done by the next meeting.
In association with the internet, we have something called meta element.
The meta element provides information about the web page and can be used by search engines to help categorise the page correctly. They are tags that are used in HTML as well as XHTML documents to provide structured metadata. How the metadata is set up has an effect to how the rules on search engines read them and rank the different websites.
I will not go into further detail, as it is a bit tricky to completely understand and grasp the full meaning of this phenomena. However, it makes a good point as to how this also works in film/tv.
Meta element in film:
//From the film "Ghost busters" - "Ghostbusters is a good movie, but its meta-commentary keeps it from being great" - Boston.com
Means that the characters step out of the action and addresses the audience directly.
Just like the internet uses metadata to step out and detect using the tags to see what is most popular amongst websites, as well as to rank them.
The reason I am mentioning this is because without even thinking about it, we are effectively using this method in our production.
- E.g Meta perspective on tv = To step out of action and address the audience directly -
as well as to think of content and audience - and how to reach out to them in the right way
One of the important things is also that the presenter is stepping out of the action and directly as well as actively addressing the audience. Additionally, as a brand, we will use our web page to collect important information from the audience. In the form that they will give us feedback and we will be in direct contact with them collect "metadata" on what it is that they care about and want to see the content of.
Content & Categories
When it comes to the content of the channel we want it to be up to date, youthful, catchy and fun. We also want it to be relatable and micro-focused on the cases we find to be interesting to and for students. Due to the fact that our channel has the possibility to be quite broad, and basically bring up anything that can be associated with students we have decided to divide them into different categories.
- Celebrity Yak -
Focuses on the latest celebrity gossip, feuds, drama and twitter beef.
- TV / Film Yak -
Focuses on the latest Films and TV shows, like new Netflix series or short film reviews of a new movie.
- (Un)Social Yak -
Focuses on stories about social media, like twitter reactions to certain events, social media trends etc.
- Superserious Yak -
Focuses on the serious stories important for students to get hold of, for example, the importance of getting the Meningitis jab taken.
- Viral Yak -
Focuses on the different viral internet phenomena, viral videos, and memes - an idea I suggested in relation to this category was to end each video on the channel with a meme of the day.
- Tech Yak -
Focuses on the latest technological stories such as the newest releases of for example the iPhone 7.
An important thing for us as a brand is that we want all students to turn and return to our platforms - twitter, facebook, webpage, snap chat - first, be their primary source of news regarding students. That they can rely on us as an accurate and balanced channel.
Initial Ideas
During this meeting as we decided for the categories, colours, the web designs a.s.o, we also made sure to come up with some ideas to what we could focus our news story for the project on. We wanted the content of our episode to be about something new, something different that we could think students, we would be interested in hearing about.
Idea #1 -
Viral videos, we thought it was interesting to think about how videos actually go viral, we talked about how youtube has had a major impact on internet videos as well as viral videos. And decided that speaking to a YouTuber would be a great way to set the base for the topic.
Idea #2 -
Sequels and prequels, how many of them that are made in the film industry, and if it really is beneficial or desirable for the audience to drag the story on and on. We talked about and concluded with the fact that the industry only seems to make sequels and prequels to the original films if they are very popular. And how this could be put as a question to if that means that it is out own fault that continues to develop and create followups.
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By the end of the meeting, we decided until next time that we would keep developing our ideas as well as we assigned ourselves different tasks. We would all research and find different stories for the different categories;
Becca - Celebrity Yak & Viral Yak
Nisserin - TV / Film Yak & Superserious Yak
Ida - (Un)Social Yak & Tech Yak
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//Image screenshot from google
//Design/header from our web page