During this unit, we have had two editing workshops, where one of them consisted of editing stock footage and following an editing script/sync assembly to put all the pieces together.
In the first workshop, we were set to edit stock footage already shot. We got in early, got handed the footage and worked on a rough cut up until lunch. After lunch, we had about one-two hours to complete our edits before viewing them. We were really lucky to have an editing professional there - Tim Benthom - to give us different advice and feedback.
The workshop was alright, being confident in Premiere I didn´t really learn tremendously much new things, considering it being about the assembly it was interesting and fun to see how much easier/quicker it was to edit. When it was all highlighted and pre-chosen.
Location Workshop
On the location workshop, we all traveled to Faversham, to show that we can shoot on location. We filmed in the high street as well as at a brewery. My group consisted of Laura, Josh, Imogen and me, and we did risk assessments as well as got people to sign consent forms if necessary.
The second workshop consisted of editing the Faversham footage we shot, making it into a sort of commercial/collage kind of sequence.